Minibreweriesturnkey implementation
Minibreweries have been becoming increasingly popular. Our beer represents a counterpoise to beer produced in large breweries, which stress quantity at the expense of quality.
experience and tradition
Our experience, satisfied clients and, in particular, our brewery guests speak for us.
We will help start your brewery: train your brewmasters or "lend" ours; monitor their work; train your staff, or arrange a beer tasting so that you can check for yourself how your brewmaster is doing. We will strive to reduce costs and enhance beer sensory quality and stability. Only a high-quality product will insure long-term profits.
ConsultingTECHNOLOGY AND marketing
We offer comprehensive brewing consultations. We know from our experience that natural beer production results in a better product with lower production costs. Feel free to ask us any question!
Towards better results
Our company sets up breweries; we set up small ones ourselves, larger ones in cooperation with our partners. We brew beer ourselves and enjoy it...its our passion. We also operate our own brewery so we have experience with possible difficulties that you may encounter.
Besides setting up breweries and producing and selling beer from our own brewery, we also provide consulting services. We conduct audits to find the reasons for deficiencies, identify mistakes, and suggest ways to eliminate them. For a list of frequently solved problems please click here.
Since we founded the company in 2002, we have been helping breweries solve technological problems. We have been setting up breweries since 2007, and operating our own brewery since 2011. Our customers' demands have led us to other related activities, such as arranging the purchase of malt, hops, used equipment and KEGs or providing consulting services in the area of beer sales and marketing.